
Facebook In Social Media Marketing

Posted by on June 23, 2014 in Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Web Marketing

Facebook In Social Media Marketing Role For Todays Businesses Website optimization is the primary goal for business owners who utilize their online presence in any way to grow their business. In recent years, social media has become infused in how websites operate, instead of being its own universe. You’d be hard-pressed to find a site (unless it hasn’t been updated in several years) that does not provide icon links for the business Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Tumblr, Instagram, or other social media channel on the homepage. The utility of...

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Abilene Content Marketing

Posted by on June 16, 2014 in Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Web Marketing

One of the best ways to garner new traffic for your website and market your business online is through content marketing. Abilene businesses gain greater exposure to new clients and customers online by utilizing content creation on their sites that can be referenced and linked to on social media channels. emstrongContent marketing involves creating unique and targeted content on your site that is promoted on other online channels including social media and off-page linking./strong/em Backlinks are an excellent tool for boosting site...

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Online Marketing Content Essentials (part2)

Posted by on May 9, 2014 in Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Web Marketing

Online Marketing Content in Social Media Social media is a gateway to create new business through conversations. Online Marketing Content is key here, but the right kind of content is what matters most. Engaging content creates conversations and conversations create opportunities for new business. This is where online marketing really makes a difference. Content is everywhere and we’re being fed large volumes of it daily, almost in a moment to moment quotient. Since so many people (and businesses) are posting content all the time, how can you...

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Online Marketing Essentials (part 1)

Posted by on April 29, 2014 in Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Web Marketing

Traditional Marketing VS Online Marketing in Abilene The days of marketing being a matter of getting publicity on radio, TV or newspapers is long gone. These are still great outlets for promoting your business, product/service, and/or specials out to many people at one time, but not a great way to necessarily measure the impact of the marketing endeavor. For businesses large and small, measuring the ROI on money going out for marketing and promotion is essential. Online marketing is the key to having a positive ROI on marketing endeavors....

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How To Market in West Texas

Posted by on March 31, 2014 in Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Web Marketing

There Are Different Ways to Market in West Texas Marketing in West Texas can be a little different than traditional marketing. The truth is, what may work in more populated areas may not strike the right chord when it comes to relationship-based business in West Texas. Dream Spectrum Marketing currently has offices in Abilene and Lubbock, Texas with a view to expanding into Midland, Texas in late 2014. Because of our experience with marketing in Abilene, we have learned first-hand that what we may have learned in school and on other marketing...

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Increase Your Website Page Rank Using Off-Page SEO

Posted by on February 21, 2014 in Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing

Do you want to have your website get more traffic from search engines? YES Do you want to get on the first page on certain keyword searches on Google, Bing, and other web searches? YES Are you ready to learn a few tricks that can help make your web presence more effective? YES We are talking about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Basically we are manipulating search engines to give us higher profile in the search results. For Google this is called Page Rank. SEO is a very large subject, but we can break it down into 2 main components....

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News Involving Recent JP Morgan Verdict

Posted by on January 8, 2014 in Entrepreneurship, Social Media, Tech Buzz, Web Marketing

Dream Spectrum Inc made the news this week involving the recent JP Morgan verdict. In record setting fashion, the US government levied a $2 billion fine on JP Morgan Chase for their involvement in the largest ponzi scheme in history. Bernie Madoff was convicted five years ago of defrauding thousands of investors in the greatest scam on record. JP Morgan served as the main housing bank for Madoff during this scheme, and were accused of turning a blind eye to apparent signs of fraud on various levels. JP Morgan Chase also agreed to pay an...

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Facebook Marketing for Abilene Advertising? {part 2}

Posted by on November 22, 2013 in Social Media, Web Marketing

For Business in Abilene we should focus on our assets and ways that these assets lead to a return on investment. The interesting thing about social media marketing is that we are looking to create social assets. These assets are the friends that we make on the different networks that we participate on and the inclination that friends have to help us. These assets are called social assets. Social assets are not just found in social networks but are found in our daily lives. a...

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Dream Spectrum designs website for West Texas Innovation Network

Posted by on November 20, 2013 in New Projects

The West Texas Innovation Network (WTIN) is a regional collaborative with a mission to increase entrepreneurial activity and enhance the resources and training available to aspiring entrepreneurs in the Big Country. Dream Spectrum was in charge of designing the WTIN website. Work on the website began a few weeks ago with emphasis on the look and feel of the website. Dream Spectrum was constantly in contact with Mr. Mike Mikeworth of WTIN. Every aspect of the website was reviewed by him before website became live. Dream Spectrum supports the...

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Important Dos and Don’ts When Starting Your Business – Abilene Marketing

Posted by on November 12, 2013 in Brilliant Business Ideas

When Starting Your Business We are often asked about, “What are the most important things to be aware when starting a Business?” I have put together a list of some of the most important “Dos and Don’ts” considerations you need to think about overall before starting your business. TEN MOST IMPORTANT DOS Live thriftily and begin saving up money (your equity-injection) for starting your business. Focus on learning all you can about your intended business by first working for someone else in the same kind of business. Take into account the...

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