Your Abilene Website Business Assumptions

Posted by on Sep 10, 2013 in Brilliant Business Ideas

Make and Validate Some Assumptions about Your Abilene Website Business

Little girl with laptopUnderstand that although you can make all kind of assumptions about an Abilene Website business, it remains that you still need to determine (1) if the idea is one that actually solves a problem and (2) if the idea is timely enough to find a market niche.

To complete a well-developed Abilene Website business model, you need to clearly explain the assumptions that inspire and form the foundation of the business model in three areas including (1) the Revenue Model, (2) the Pricing Model, and (3) the Sales and Distribution Strategy.

I have found that most Abilene Website business ideas are based on from three to seven key assumptions that represent the highest risk factors that normally determine the likelihood of success.  In reality this directly applies to both new and existing business.

As you are developing your Abilene Website business, business model, new product or service, be sure to ask yourself and your team, “What key assumptions are we making, and how can we quickly figure out if our key assumptions are correct?”

Human Woman Working on Laptop XSThe points you should remember are (1) You have to identify the key assumptions in the business model,  (2) the assumptions represent the risk in the model, (3) the more confirmation of the assumptions the better the valuation of the business, (4) and spend intellectual capital to confirm assumptions before you spend any cash.

Finally, after you’ve made those assumptions you can test them out on the public until you are completely comfortable with the results you get. To validate the assumptions beyond a doubt, you want to know absolutely who will switch to your brand of product or service, and just as importantly, if it is something that solves their and the market niche’s problem, thereby delivering satisfaction by fulfilling an unmet need.


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