We are Growing Social Media In Sweetwater

Posted by on Jul 26, 2013 in Development, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Tech Buzz, Web Marketing

Dream Spectrum has built its reputation in Abilene for doing outstanding work with software development and website design. Our experience of making cutting-edge products and services also includes Social Media Marketing. All successful businesses grow. Now Dream Spectrum is not only growing by expanding our social media marketing offering, but we’re growing beyond the Abilene borders and into Sweetwater.

Social media is synonymous with Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. Those three platforms are the most popular, most used and greatest opportunities for businesses large and small to create opportunities to connect with your clients. However, just having a page for your business on either (or all) of these platforms doesn’t mean that you’re doing social media the best way. How are you supposed to do it?

The power of social media is connection. Users don’t just read content on Facebook, they engage with the content creators. They like a picture of a piece of art someone created, or a before/after photo of a carpet-cleaning service. They make comments on questions asked by friends and businesses they have relationships with. Marketing has never been this interactive before.

If your Facebook or Linked In business page is only being used to promote your next big sale, you aren’t connecting with you clients in the most effective way. If your posts aren’t producing Likes, Comments, or Shares, they aren’t serving your marketing purposes.

Sweetwater is a growing town with many great businesses. People are doing searches on Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter for your industry and business. Now is the best time to connect with current and future customers for your business. Dream Spectrum builds connection through conversation. Let us help you grow your business using social media. Comment or message us to talk about how we can help you.


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